On behalf of Rosenblum Schwartz & Fry posted in Sex Crimes on Tuesday, August 13, 2019.
In considering the above-posed question in today’s blog post headline, it might be reasonable to initially note the seismic effect that computers and the Internet have had on virtually every sphere of life.
Put another way: What hasn’t the Internet materially affected?
Legions of us now shop online. We listen to and download music from various streaming platforms. We socialize on a plethora of social media sites. We upload, download and exchange images.
Here’s a point to note: criminal authorities and state/federal law enforcers routinely monitor much of that activity. They are especially zeroed in on online behavior they think links to various sex crimes, such as child pornography or enticement.
Computers have made it relatively easy for them to do that, especially compared with pre-Internet days when suspects had to actually be apprehended with hard copies of unlawful material in hand. As we note on our website at the tenured St. Louis criminal defense firm of Rosenblum Schwartz & Fry, mere evidence of a damning computer click can these days bring a criminal investigation and sex crimes charge. So too can merely making an online appointment to meet with a minor, short of actually doing so.
Missouri residents targeted in a criminal sex probe understandably need timely, aggressive and knowledgeable legal representation that seeks to maximally mitigate the adverse consequences they face. We duly stress on our website that, “Prosecutors vigorously pursue convictions,” with many outcomes leading to lengthy incarceration terms, mandatory sex-offender registration and additional downsides.
Questions or concerns regarding any aspect of a criminal sex probe or charge can be addressed to a legal team having a demonstrated record of strong advocacy on behalf of individuals targeted in such cases.