We know that our teenage sons and daughters are works in progress. We love them without bounds, of course, yet know that they have some work to do en route to negotiating those not-quite-adult-yet years.
They sometimes act rashly, without due regard for consequences. That is, they explore and, in doing so, sometimes make mistakes. We did, too, right? That’s part of what living through and transcending those teen years is all about. We state on our website at Rosenblum Schwartz & Fry that, “A big part of growing up is about trial and error and learning from those experiences.”
A recent national article focused on juveniles notes that one commonly shared teen experience is sexting. That behavior is defined by researchers in a study on teens’ exploratory behaviors as “the sharing of sexually explicit images, video, or messages through electronic means.”
Just how prevalent is that?
Short answer: common, indeed, and increasingly so.
And with such behavior come consequences in select instances. Although adults can often see that, and quickly, legions of teens do not and can find themselves in legal hot water as a result.
Where should the line be drawn concerning what does or does not constitute unlawful sexting activity? Assuredly, things can get blurry, especially surrounding issues like intent and consent. It is often the case that adolescents commit legal wrongs without the slightest understanding that they are doing so.
We acutely appreciate that at Rosenblum Schwartz & Fry. Our deep legal team of St. Louis criminal defense attorneys routinely provides knowledgeable and aggressive representation to teens accused of crimes, including sex offenses. Our proven advocacy focuses on a stellar defense against criminal charges and an optimal outcome in every case.
We welcome contacts to the firm, fully embracing the opportunity to apply our legal knowledge and acumen toward the important task of protecting children’s rights and futures.