Cops’ Tunnel Vision Can Yield Horrific Investigative Outcomes

In Blog by RSFJ

On behalf of Rosenblum Schwartz & Fry posted in Violent Crimes on Wednesday, August 21, 2019. The goal for any criminal defendant is obviously to be found not guilty of a crime. Recently released study findings stress that suspects should also be just about as concerned that investigators never suspect guilt in the first place. Here’s why, say university researchers who have scrutinized scores of wrongful conviction cases: Cops who zero in on an individual often tend to view evidence in a way that supports that individual’s guilt via so-called “confirmation bias.” They ignore evidence that offers up other possibilities. Texas State University criminologists …

How Has The Internet Affected Sex Crimes Probes, Criminal Charges?

In Blog by RSFJ

On behalf of Rosenblum Schwartz & Fry posted in Sex Crimes on Tuesday, August 13, 2019. In considering the above-posed question in today’s blog post headline, it might be reasonable to initially note the seismic effect that computers and the Internet have had on virtually every sphere of life. Put another way: What hasn’t the Internet materially affected? Legions of us now shop online. We listen to and download music from various streaming platforms. We socialize on a plethora of social media sites. We upload, download and exchange images. Here’s a point to note: criminal authorities and state/federal law enforcers routinely monitor much of …

Notable Complexities Can Attach To Assault And Battery Charges

In Blog by RSFJ

On behalf of Rosenblum Schwartz & Fry posted in Violent Crimes on Friday, August 9, 2019. The core elements comprising criminal assault and battery are sufficiently intertwined yet different in material respects that getting a handle on what they’re about routinely stymies legions of law school students. That is similarly true for even many experienced criminal defense attorneys. We prominently note that subject-matter difficulty on our website at the established St. Louis criminal defense firm of Rosenblum Schwartz & Fry. We stress therein that, “Assault and battery charges can arise from a broad range of incidents that are often exceedingly complex.” In fact, such …